Baba Deep Singh


Baba Deep Singh (20-Jan-1682 to 11-Nov-1757) is revered among Sikhs as one of the most hallowed martyrs in Sikhism and as a highly religious person. He is remembered for his sacrifice and devotion to the teachings of the Sikh Gurus. Baba Deep Singh was the first head of Misl Shaheedan Tarna Dal – an order of the Khalsa military established by Nawab Kapur Singh, the then head of Sharomani Panth Akali Buddha Dal.

The Damdami Taksal also state he was their first head of their order. His name is also found as Deep Singh and Baba Deep Singh. In April 1757, Ahmad Shah Durrani raided Northern India for the fourth time. While he was on his way back to Kabul from Delhi with precious booty and young men and women as captives, the Sikhs made a plan to relieve him of the valuables and free the captives. The squad of baba Deep Singh was deployed near Kurukshetra. His squad freed a large number of prisoners and raided Durrani’s considerable treasury. On his arrival in Lahore, Durrani, embittered by his loss, ordered the demolition of the Harimandir Sahib. The shrine was blown up and the sacred pool filled with the entrails of slaughtered cows. Durrani assigned the Punjab region to his son, Prince Timur Shah, and left him a force of ten thousand men under General Jahan Khan.

Baba Deep Singh, aged 75-years old, felt that it was up to him to atone for the sin of having let the Afghans desecrate the shrine. He emerged from scholastic retirement (he had been making copies of the Guru Granth Sahib), and declared to a congregation at Damdama Sahib that he intended to rebuild the temple. Five hundred men came forward to go with him. Deep Singh offered prayers before starting for Amritsar: “May my head fall at the Darbar Sahib.” As he went from hamlet to hamlet, many villagers joined him. By the time baba Deep Singh reached Tarn Taran Sahib, ten miles from Amritsar, over five thousand peasants armed with hatchets, swords, and spears accompanied him.

According to the Sikh legend, Baba Deep Singh had vowed to avenge the desecration of the Golden Temple by the Afghan army. In 1757, he led an army to defend the Golden Temple. The Sikhs and the Afghans clashed, in the battle of Amritsar, at the village of Gohalwar on November 11, 1757and in the ensuing conflict Baba Deep Singh was decapitated.


Deep Singh continued to fight after having been decapitated, supporting his head with one hand and slaying his enemies, with the sword in the other hand. He reached the periphery of Harmindar Sahib where he breathed his last. The Singhs celebrated the Bandhi-Sor Divas of 1757 A.D. in Harminder Sahib”. The Sikhs recovered their prestige by defeating the Afghan army and the latter were forced to flee.

One response to “Baba Deep Singh”

  1. baba deep singh is a good read. but it is a bit far fetched to say that he fought after being decapitated which literally means a head totally separated from the trunk. this is highly improbable. possibly his head was slashed by half he fought by supporting the half slashed head with his other hand. this itself was extremely tenacious valor. in this context it is worth recollecting that rani laxmibai of jhansi fought with half of her face cut top down and one eyeball dropping out of the socket and hanging loose!

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