Special Documentary Video on Akhil Bharatiya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram

Akhil Bhartiya Vanvasi Kalyan Ahram is a voluntary social organisation serving for the development of Janjati (Tribal) communities since 1952. Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram and it’s 40 affiliated organisations. Encouraged with the success of various projects for the welfare of Janjatis over the period, from 1978, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram extended its work in every state of India having Janjati population. Among all the volunteers of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, nearly half are from Janjatis. Apart from these, several students, working persons, professionals, retired persons etc are dedicate working for various projects for the Janjatis in the field of education, health, agriculture, economic development, to protect the constitutional rights, sports, spiritual and cultural congregations (Shraddha Jagaran) etc.

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